简介:Nick is angry at Mat and decides to start shooting at the school. During the lockdown Callie and Brandon talk to Stef and Lena about their past decisions. Jesus and Emma discuss getting back together. Jude and Daria get locked in a room together.
简介:Arden is devastated by the death of her true love, Mia, and tormented by the powers of dark magic with which she has been cursed. She leaves her home world to travel to Earth, in pursuit of the evil sorcerer Zareth. There she meets Katia, a no-nonsense tough girl. Arden convinces Katia to help her navigate this strange new land. As they battle their way through mysteries, magic...
简介:这对夫妻已经结婚十年,有两个孩子。一天,妻子弗朗西斯(莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker 饰)醍醐灌顶般地开始重新审视自己的人生和紧张的婚姻关系,却发现想要一刀两断、重新开始,可没想象得那么容易。
这是一场很长很长的离婚的故事,它跟随着弗朗西斯和罗伯特(托马斯·哈登·丘奇 Thomas Haden Church 饰),讲述了离婚中收拾残局的种种——不仅仅是两个人之间的事儿,还牵扯到孩子、朋友,有公共场合的尴尬碰面,还有私下婚姻咨询的重重困难。
简介:USA将在《机器人先生》(Mr. Robot)季终集后播出《落梦若水》的特别预览,也就是完整的首集。该剧正式首播是在10月13日。这是电视编剧Henry Bromell(2013年3月去世)生前开发的最后一批项目之一。Blake Masters和《行尸走肉》的执行制片人Gale Anne Hurd参与制片,Juan Carlos Fresnadillo担任导演,剧本由Blake Masters和Henry Bromell(在世时)共同创作。该剧被描述成一部「离奇古怪、令人费解」的悬疑剧,「现实与人的潜意识相互交织」……没错,它在某种程度上有点像《盗梦空间》。