简介:"Porky" style teen comedy with plenty of gross out jokes and nudity. A nerd and his out-of-control friend chase a dream girl to a beach on Florida where all the expected carrying on occurs.
简介:别名:Desiring Julia 一个年轻人爱上了额外的解放朱利亚(谁是没有其他人,但小威格兰迪,传说中的情色电影)。他们的关系变得很有激情,但朱利亚有没有限制她的性幻想和游戏。可怜的家伙,很快就会发现朱利亚,他将不得不付出一定的代价。他将不得不把她所有的奇怪和色狼的欲望,当然,直到他达到他的极限。拍摄精美,情色电影。我强烈推荐它的情色电影的所有球迷。
简介:一个全身赤裸的年轻男人蹲在室内靠窗的一株树干上,目光呆滞。他就是芬尼克斯(Axel Jodorowsky 饰),被关在精神病院的一位患者。从小体弱多病性格孤僻的芬尼克斯,童年是在马戏班里度过的。父亲奥高(盖伊·斯托克韦尔 Guy St ockwell 饰)是马戏班班主,母亲嘉西娅(布兰卡·格拉 Blanca Guerra 饰)是空中飞人的演员。嘉西娅信奉拜物教,她供的神是个被两个兄弟奸杀的断臂少女。在她流血的地方,人们挖池贮水建起教堂,取名“圣血”。当神父发现所谓的圣血不过是红油漆水时,同意当地政府拆毁教堂。嘉西娅带领教徒反抗。当嘉西娅发现奥高与人通奸时发起报复,奥高拿飞刀斩去嘉西娅双臂,割脉自杀。芬尼克斯进入精神病院。在嘉西娅的唆使下,芬尼克斯逃出精神病院,成为了嘉西娅的“魔手”。
简介:The movie starts with Annabella (Margie Newton), an attorney, by the bedside of one of her client, a young drug addict in a recovery clinic. Before he dies, he tells her where she can find a taped diary disclosing all the terrible secrets that have been going on in this small town. She decides to stay and it soon appears that she is seeking revenge upon all those who had harmed...
简介:Raymond Derek is a up and coming hotshot young politician who seems to have it all. A great career, a wife, friends and a expensive home. But that all changes when he encounters sexy cabaret singer Angie. The two begin a steamy affair until the press find out and it becomes front page news. As his life falls to pieces, Raymond and molikan.com Angie try to build a life together,...
简介:Visions of Ecstasy, an experimental art film made in 1989, is the only film ever to have been banned outright in the UK solely on the grounds of blasphemy. Further, its depiction and interpretation of the erotic imaginings of the 16th Century Carmelite nun, St. Teresa, were such that the film's banning was upheld in an historic judgment at the European Court of Human Rights in ...
简介:朗(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom 饰)自幼就是一个争强好胜的男孩,向往男子汉的生活。年轻的朗被总统那潘那番充满煽动性的越战演说彻底征服,一种挑战和为国牺牲的冲动在朗的内心渐渐滋长。一次摔跤比赛的失利,令一向要强的他毅然告别了恋人唐娜和大学生活,踏上了从军参战之路。 然而,来到了越南的朗并没有在这里找到向往已久的英雄气概,反而目睹一出出反人类的悲剧。朗的好友威尔逊也在一次混战中死于朗的子弹,不久,朗中弹瘫痪被送回了美国。 坐在轮椅上的朗仍然坚持着对美国发动的战争的信仰,但女友唐娜重遇了朗之后,痛心的认为朗的悲剧都是战争的错。噩梦缠绕着朗,朗去拜祭了战友威尔逊,反战呼声中,朗终于觉醒。
简介:吉尔(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)最小的儿子凯文(Jasen Fisher 饰)因为性格极度内向而被学校老师劝退回到了家中,这可急坏了吉尔。为了帮助凯文重拾自信,吉尔天天陪着凯文玩耍游戏,但似乎没有什么效果。吉尔的妹夫内森(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis 饰)的教育理念和吉尔完全相反,他希望能够将女儿培养成为一名有用之才,可在他的填鸭式教育的压迫之下,不仅女儿失去了快乐的生活,就连妻子也最终离开了他。