简介:别名:Morgane et ses nymphes Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay一个神秘主义的故事,关于两个度假的女孩,在夏日,她们驾车穿行在山间公路,影影绰绰的树林带着夏日的暖意,她们兴高采烈谈论着什么,未来的路在此刻定下了基调。 她们驱车来到一个中世纪格调的酒吧,酒吧的坐客面目狰狞、神情古怪,女孩们有些害怕了,好心的酒保劝她俩远离这个令人不安的村子,可是,女孩们正是无所顾忌的年纪,在夜色沉沉里,她们继续上路了。 影片以一个悬疑的开始使得观众的心一直揪着,那么黑夜将带给他们怎样的旅程。 迷雾升起,她们的车如同遭遇了 ;鬼打墙怎么开总是回到了原地,几次尝试后,两人放弃了徒劳的举动,找了一个地方睡下,等待黎明的来到。 安娜轻抚着弗兰克茜,撩拨着弗兰克茜的欲 情,宁静的乡野只有秋虫鸣唱和弗兰克茜的呢喃,她们热烈的爱 抚直到静静睡去。 清晨,弗兰克茜醒来,发现安娜不见了,一个古代装束的侏儒引导她登上了无人自渡的小舟神秘的古堡里充满了情 色,女孩们披着薄纱相互愉悦。 在弗兰克茜寻找安娜的过程中,她遭遇了神秘古堡中的女主人莫格娜,莫格娜为了长生不老以永葆青春为诱惑从而囚禁女孩的灵魂(这个情节和《浮士德》如出一辙),而女孩们就成为了笼中囚鸟,在虚幻中生活,再也没有了通向真实世间的勇气,而弗兰克茜靠机智和对真实生活的热爱,在小侏儒的帮助下终于离开了这个虚无之地。
简介:Emmanuelle withdraws into a temple in Tibet, where she wants to find to her true self. She's given a mystic substance which will give her youth and allow her to enter the souls of other women. Now she sets out and searches her true love Mario from 20 years ago. When he sees young Emmanuelle, he doesn't believe it's really her, but she retells all the juicy details of her past t...
简介:A woman with borderline personality disorder struggles to escape from her emotional past in this disturbing portrait about mental illness. A box office smash in its native Quebec, this film tackles themes of familial madness and addictions.
简介:Eric (Corin Redgrave) is a novelist whose imagination is unusually powerful. While exploring a run-down mansion in the French countryside, looking for sites for his stories, he meets a girl dressed in clothes from another time. Returning to the site, he encounters a modern woman who says he probably met a ghost. He is fascinated by the situation which cannot be what it seems.
简介:In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time travel makes Nova young again and she crash lands into 2025 as a twelve-year old. Nobody seems to take her and her mission seriously, except for Nas - a neglected teen who tries to keep...
简介:Les habitants d’une tour de cité découvrent un matin qu’un voile noir obstrue toutes les fenêtres et la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble. Un voile noir qui dévore tout ce qui tente de le pénétrer…
简介:影片根据发生在法国国王路易十五统治时期的真实事件改编。 18世纪60年代中期,法国路易十五在位时,一只凶残异常的巨狼一直威胁着吉瓦冈地区,而受害者多是妇女和儿童。一时间,全法国都被触目惊心的血腥杀戮震惊了,无人知道凶兽真正面貌,有人盛传是魔鬼化身。为安定民心,路易十五指派皇家骑士弗朗萨克(塞缪尔·勒·比汉 Samuel Le Bihan 饰)捕杀怪兽。在吉瓦冈逗留期间,弗朗萨克爱上了当地伯爵的女儿玛丽安(艾米莉•德奎恩饰),还与美艳动人的官妓西尔维亚(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)有染,并结识了玛丽安的哥哥让-弗朗索瓦(文森特·卡索 Vincent Cassel 饰)。随着调查的逐渐深入,弗朗萨克从被害者遗体上发现了一颗钢牙,而一位目击者发誓宣称有人控制着巨狼。随着调查,掀起更恐怖阴谋,一场场血腥杀戮战连串发生……
简介: Inspired by a true crime case, the fictional six-part series "German Crime Story: Gefesselt" follows the story of one of Germany’s most notorious serial killers, the so-called "acid barrel killer." Raik Doormann strikes fear into the Hamburg area in the early 80s and 90s, as he kidnaps, tortures and brutally kills women in his own nuclear bunker. It is not until Nela Langenbeck, a victim counselor and later homicide detective, comes across clues to his deeds. But at that time, women within the police department are regarded more as secretaries than investigators - so she initially earned headshakes for her approaches. Against all odds, she eventually gets on the trail of Doormann and his gruesome deeds.
简介:Rachel, a concerned researcher, and her team have set out to sea to prove that the disappearance of a family and crew from a merchant ship was for reasons having to do with the supernatural. Her theory that those on the Mary Celeste vanished into a "rift" between dimensions proves true as the boat breaks down and her crew begins to vanish one by one.