简介:Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
简介:《舞台丽人》是由美英德三国共同制作的,由主演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的克莱尔-丹妮丝担当女主角。 十七世纪的英国剧场,所有女角皆由男性所扮演。埃德华(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)是英国最有名的当家花旦,运用他的天生美丽及后天技巧模仿女性唯妙唯肖,得到贵族上流的欣赏。然而国王查理二世厌倦了这种一成不变的演出,剧院终于准许真正的女性参与表演。埃德华面临失业危机,世人的排挤和咒骂,仇家的陷害毒打,生活的窘迫,贵族的抛弃使他在最底层随波逐流,一度萌生自杀念头。取他而代之的女演员玛丽亚(克莱尔·丹妮丝 Claire Danes 饰)在舞台上绽放光彩,但她深爱埃德华,并希望他能够重返舞台,以一个男人的灵魂。马上国王就要来观赏新的剧目,埃德华能不能杀死了那个身体里的女人?
简介:Austin actor Scottie Johnson is loving life until his new girlfriend Ebby tells him she can't date another broke artist. In an attempt to secure her love, he makes a promise to take his career to the next level. Around the same time, Ebby's wild, identical twin sister shows up. As Scottie gets closer to the biggest audition of his career, he also gets closer to Ebby's sister. S...