简介:Two 25-year-old men who meet by chance, fall madly in love, and are then separated due to an unexpected event. For the next thirty years they pursue the hope of finding each other again.
简介:Mila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can remember. When the girls get a new football coach in former pro Lollo, they slowly start to drift apart. Mila, who dreams of becoming a football professional, finally sees her chance to succeed – but is it worth sacrificing her best friend to win at any cost?
简介:Paris, summer 1942. Irene is Jewish and French. She is 19 and living a life of passions - Her friendships, her new love, her desire to be an actress - Nothing suggests that Irene's time is running out.
简介:Babi discovers a betrayal by her long-term partner and decides to embark on a new adventure in life. On this journey, she meets judge Marco and they begin to live a story permeated by a lot of sexual tension.
简介:一宗交通意外,连结两个陌生的人。马克(查克·伯劳姆 Chuck Blaum 饰)在车祸中丧生,一直暗恋他的好友杰夫(亚当·尼尔·史密斯 Adam Neal Smith 饰)因代为回复电邮,认识了马克生前的意大利网友安德烈(亚历山德罗·卡萨 Alessandro Calz a 饰)。安德烈本想取消来德州的计划,但最终被杰夫说服。两个拥有不同人生轨迹的男人,于是带着一点点惆怅和困惑,在阳光如织的德州天空下发生交集。他们真切的分享对逝者的美好回忆,于淡淡的哀鸣中寻找路标前行。 “Ciao”在意大利语里既是“你好”也是“再见”的意思。一个悠长的故事在Ciao中开始,在Ciao中结束,引发了人们强烈的共鸣。生与死,性与爱,得到与失去,就像绵绵的细雨落在全世界的草坪,打湿一颗颗柔软的心。
简介:罗马,夏日,一队穿梭其中的游客。这座美得令人窒息的古老城池,正以一种神秘而冷艳的姿态诱惑着他们,让人心甘情愿地被这份精致得令人绝望的美丽所俘获,沉醉其中。然而在捷普·甘巴尔代拉(托尼·瑟维洛 Toni Servillo 饰)眼中,罗马却是一座寂寞之都。65岁的捷普是一名成功记者,风度翩翩、魅力十足。年轻时代撰写的一本文学作品让他在早年就名利双收。他辗转在各样肆意妄为的奢靡与觥筹交错的社交之中,用一双冷酷到几近麻木的双眼,目睹这座绝美之城背后的空虚与隐秘。当女高音的咏叹调再次响起,游走在平民生活与上层社会之间的捷普,开始重拾那些逝去的青春记忆,只有罗马之城仍依旧着她的冷漠与华美,不曾改变。 本片斩获2014年第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片及2014年第71届金球奖最佳外语片两项大奖,并入围2013年第66届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元-金棕榈奖。