简介:马赛,一名连续作案的变态杀手在一些富人别墅里强暴女子之后,将被害人殴打致死。乾探路易·施耐德奉命展开调查。施耐德因女儿在几年前的一场车祸中丧生、妻子也终身伤残而心力交瘁,他变成了酒鬼。年轻女子茱丝蒂娜因25年前亲眼见到双亲被残酷杀害而难以克服过去的梦魇,而且她得知凶手即将被释放。她因凶手将获释一事而与施耐德走到一起。本片的导演奥利维埃·马夏尔当过警察,他曾于2004年推出《金银匠滨河路36号》(36 QUAI DES ORFEVRES,司法警察局局址)。《MR 73左轮枪》根据他1981年参与调查的一部真实案件改编,片名指的是马努兰厂(MANURHIN)1973年出厂的“巨蟒”357型左轮枪,法国宪警精锐部队都使用这种武器。
简介:A hotshot young author becomes the pastor of a small town church with big dreams of changing the world. When the elders express that his quiet new neighbor is a lost cause, he makes it his personal mission to prove them wrong by getting him inside the church doors. However, when he begins to suspect that this stranger may be a threat to his family's safety, he is forced to decide how far he will go to reach the lost.
简介: Follows the unlikely relationship of Mico and Xavier while they navigate schoolwork in the middle of a pandemic as strangers, enemies, partners, friends, and much much more.
简介:Tom of Finland 的同志情色插画,相信不少人都欣赏过。硕大的肌肉、壮阔的广膊、下体大大的一包,连黑色的皮裤都遮盖不住。电单车、制服、一组组激情动作连环图,教一代代同志血脉沸腾。这是 Tom of Finland 的 传记故事。他本来是一名军官,二次大战时为国家拼死奋战。战后回到芬兰,却因为同志的身份,处处受到歧视和打压,只好寄情艺术,画下一幅幅解放性爱的情色插画,影响力冲出国际,推动了一代同志的性解放,忠于自己,悍卫同志的权利。
简介:Starz公布了《血肉之躯》(Flesh and Bone)的剧照,并宣布该剧近日正式开机拍摄。该剧是一部以芭蕾舞为背景的黑色剧集,故事主要描述外表华丽光鲜的芭蕾舞世界所隐藏的「肮脏」的幕后秘密。年轻的芭蕾舞演员Claire Robbins(Sarah Hay)如愿加入纽约最富盛名的芭蕾舞剧团,但她有一段不堪回首的往事,这导致她的情感很脆弱,有自毁倾向。她既是个单纯的天真女孩,也是个极具野心的世故女孩。她是个有天赋的舞蹈演员,但她的心魔和过于脱离实际的志向可能驱使她走上一条未知的道路。
简介:林迪(维多利亚?嘉蒂丝 Victoria Justice 饰)是一名非常聪明的黑客,满怀正义感的她创立了一个博客,专门用来打击黑恶势力,揭发违法犯罪行为。虽然林迪的事业非常的成功,但是她的感情生活是一片空白,在室友的劝说之下,林迪决定在网络上征友。林迪的征友讯息一经发布便引来爱慕者纷纷向她抛来橄榄枝,其中一名男子吸引了林迪的注意。
简介:Brandon prepares to give his last stand-up comedy show. As his stories and jokes pass, the public begins to cheer up. But at that precise moment Brandon will realize that these stories have a strong relationship with his past. More than he imagines.
简介:Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one.
简介:The 19 years old Thomas wakes up in a hospital after three years in a coma. He doesn't remember anything. The psychologist Anna tells him that his family has been murdered and that he is the only survivor of the massacre while his sister Laura is still missing.