简介: 摇滚史上最华丽的70年代,性感、妖艳、前卫、激进等各种大胆元素被融合成独特的摇滚流派。这场摇滚革命的代言人布莱德·斯莱德(乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)彼时倾倒众生。然而,1984年,他在一次演出中遭遇“暗杀”,巨星自此陨落。伦敦先 驱报 记者阿瑟(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)对自己的偶像展开调查。在回溯逝去岁月之中,却挖掘出布莱德与美国摇滚歌手库尔特·怀尔德(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)的一段冰火之恋。布莱德受库尔特音乐的感染,创造出自己的华丽风格,迅速走红。两人相互激发灵感、彼此迷恋,最终却因为性格冲突而决裂。风头正劲的布莱德在失去库尔特之后也开始自暴自弃,导演出一场“暗杀”剧……。阿瑟在酒吧邂逅消沉的库尔特,他仿佛被布莱德灵魂附体,他们共同沉浸在对布莱德的怀念中难以自拔,同时一种奇妙的情感在他们之间诞生。
简介:故事发生在1971年的法国,黛芬妮(伊兹娅·海格林 Iz?a Higelin 饰)是农场主的女儿,因为不愿意接受父母替自己安排的未来,倔强要强的黛芬妮选择离家出走,孤身一人来到繁华的大都市巴黎,想要在这里开拓属于自己的天地。在巴黎,黛芬妮邂逅了致力于女权运动的斗士卡罗尔(西西·迪·法兰丝 Cécile De France 饰),随着时间的推移,两人打破了性别的界限,走到了一起。
简介: A case, that remained a mystery for nearly thirty years. The desperate search of one brother for his sister. And the agony of those who are left behind by a chillingly brutal crime.
简介:The story is about an aliens that live quietly on the ocean floor until they are compelled to destroy humanity after their eco-system is disrupted by pollution. Scientists race to stave off an apocalypse. The book was a huge bestseller in Germany and other European countries. While the likes of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" trying to stir concerns about the environment, "Th...
简介: The story is about an aliens that live quietly on the ocean floor until they are compelled to destroy humanity after their eco-system is disrupted by pollution. Scientists race to stave off an apocalypse. The book was a huge bestseller in Germany and other European countries. While the likes of Al Gore’s "An Inconvenient Truth" trying to stir concerns about the environment, "The Swarm" becomes the latest in a growing number of films based on the philosophy that there will be payback for mankind’s abuses of the planet.
简介: 麦克(拉塞尔·托维 Russell Tovey 饰)和女友薇迪亚(艾波·罗丝·雷瓦 Amber Rose Revah 饰)喜滋滋地搬进新房,准备在这里迎接两人爱情的结晶,没想到,阁楼里的一具无名尸体令两人陷入了复杂而纠葛的案情之中。
没有人知道这具尸体的身份为何,亦没有人知道她究竟为何会在此,探长莱恩(大卫·斯瑞弗 David Threlfall 饰)退休在即,宝刀未老的他接下了这个扑朔迷离的案子。没有线索,没有动机,没有现场,莱恩该如何拨开这重重迷雾,找到真相?随着调查的深入,莱恩意外发现了隐藏在这幢公寓里的惊天秘密,真相之下,没有无辜者,千丝万缕的事件之中,每个人都在自己的深渊里不断挣扎。