简介:西罗(艾德·斯克林 Ed Skrein 饰)、科内尔(瑞恩·科万腾 Ryan Kwanten 饰)、艾斯波琼(汤姆·霍珀 Tom Hopper 饰)等人是一群身强体壮勇敢无畏的维京勇士,他们搭乘着前往英格兰的航船,即将抵达林地斯法恩岛,在那里等待着他们的,是价值连城的黄金和财富。
然而,意外发生了,风暴的袭来让船舶毁于一旦,好不容易捡回一条命的一行人顺流而下登上了苏格兰海岸,然而,这里是阿尔巴王国的领土,阿尔巴国王(Danny Keogh 饰)对维京人恨之入骨,他接二连三派出了残暴冷酷的杀手想要了结西罗等人的性命,而这群维京壮士们,他们必须赶在自己人头落地之前抵达离这里最近的维京人定居点。
简介: For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crime. Innocently, the 19-year-old ends up in jail and is expected to serve a 19-year sentence there. Momo now has to assert himself in everyday prison life. His mother and girlfriend visit him regularly and he finds support in the prison football team. But his prison life takes a dramatic turn. His uncle Amar, who is also a feared clan chief, is blackmailing him. In order to get protection in prison, he is supposed to start dealing drugs.
简介:StarZ八集史诗迷你剧 The Pillars of the Earth 圣殿春秋 故事以英国作家肯.弗雷特Ken Follett于1989年出版的同名小说为蓝本,讲述1120年英国皇太子William Adelin坐船于英伦海峡English Channel沉没,英王绝嗣后的政治动荡时代,一个石匠家庭及其身边人发生的事
位于英国南部城镇Kingsbridge的修道院,院长Phillip矢志兴建一座大教堂。为了这崇高理想,Phillip纠集各地工匠,为筹建大教堂而奔走。其间大教堂的兴建工作多有波折,主人公男主角杰克Jack Jackson最后继承后父志向,担负起大教堂的兴建工作,建成当时英国最为瑰丽的大教堂