简介:The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC.
Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twis...
简介:迪恩(威尔 史密斯 Will Smith 饰)是一个家庭生活和美、前途一片光明的黑人执业律师。圣诞节前夕,迪恩遇到了一位久未谋面的朋友。从此,迪恩的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。 原来这位友人将一张记录了某个位高权重的人谋杀国会议员整个过程的光盘放进了迪恩的袋子!可怜的迪恩在毫不知情的情况下,被NSA中的害群之马严密监视,并被施加了各种各样的压力,甚至无端遭到了谋杀前女友雷切尔的起诉。 迪恩迫于无奈之下,只得只身展开了逃亡、追查幕后真凶之路。
简介:延续第一部的史诗故事,柯拉(索菲亚·波多拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)与幸存的战士准备好豁出一切,与勇敢的碧草星居民并肩作战,即使村落不复往日和平,仍是对抗母星失败的人们寻得的新家园,这一切,就靠他们来守护。最终大战前夕,这群战士必须面对各自的过往,也揭露他们究竟为何而战。当叛军势力星火燎原,王国大军倾巢而出准备平息动乱,战友情谊益发坚定,英雄崭露头角,不朽传奇也于焉诞生。
简介:广袤的银河系,已经被名为巴里萨利斯(弗拉·菲 Fra Fee 饰)的暴君所统治,并建立起庞大而残酷的帝国。位于银河系边缘的一座殖民星球,人们过着拮据贫苦的生活。这一天,帝国军舰突然出现在星球上空,狂暴的军官出现在人民面前,他不顾当地人的生计和死活,命令他们在规定时间内交够足够的粮食。军官走后,留下一队士兵监督人民劳作。谁曾想,一次突发事件导致女孩柯拉(索菲亚·波多拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)和帝国的机器人吉米(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 配音)反抗并杀掉了这些士兵。为了对抗巴里萨利斯的大军,柯拉等人出发前往抵抗组织“血斧”。
简介:The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of them. Used to living alone, it’s hard for them to agree on even the most trivial of things. Nevertheless, this enforced cohabitation will also bring certain revelations for both o...
简介:Follows Riley, who has recently been released from rehab after struggling with her addictions to food and body image. She will meet Ethan and finds herself navigating the line between love and a new addiction.
简介:The general manager at a highway-side ''sports bar with curves" has her incurable optimism and faith, in her girls, her customers, and herself, tested over the course of a long, strange day.