简介:Charlie, a young aristocrat in turn of the century England, meets a boy named Frank on the road to Portsmouth. What Charlie doesn't realize is that Frank is actually Frances, who's donned a disguise to escape working at a brothel. Charlie takes Frank/Frances into his home, and when he discovers her true identity, the two become lovers. He sends her to London to be trained by hi...
简介:Edward is busy trying to unlock the secrets of reading and recording people's thoughts. He is very involved with his work leaving little room for girlfriend Britt. Longstreet comes along and offers Edward a place to do his research and have unlimited funding. There are, however, ulterior motives as Edward is also somehow unlocking the secrets of eternal life.
简介:童年的一起突发事件,令彼得·帕克(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)和父母生离死别。转眼彼得成为一名高中生,他偶然发现父亲的公文包,并从叔父本(马丁·辛 Martin Sheen 饰)处得到线索,于是启程前往奥斯库公司拜访父亲当年的合作伙伴——科特·康纳斯博士(瑞斯·伊凡斯 Rhys Ifans 饰)。在公司内四处寻找线索的彼得意外被蜘蛛咬了一口,回程途中他的身体发生奇异的变化。在康纳斯博士德引导下,彼得不断了解并发掘体内着超乎寻常的能力,喜怒哀乐,各种意想不到的事情迅速向他袭来。直到某日,他便成了影响深远的超级战士蜘蛛侠。 而城市内也出现了凶恶的蜥蜴人,彼得不平凡的人生就此展开……
简介:伊利亚(马莫多·阿西 Mamoudou Athie 饰)非常热爱葡萄酒文化,凭借着自己的努力,他考取了发证率非常低的品酒师证书,然而,伊利亚的父亲路易斯(考特尼·万斯 Courtney B. Vance 饰)却并没有为儿子的成就感到开心,因为他并不希望伊利亚去捣鼓什么葡萄酒,他可指望着儿子继承家里代代相传的烧烤店呢。 在关于未来的选择上,伊利亚和路易斯之间产生了巨大的分歧,与此同时,伊利亚在学校里亦要面临另一个无解的难题。生活对于路易斯来说也并不轻松,一方面他希望儿子能够接手家族生意,毕竟他是唯一的继承人,可另一方面,他也希望儿子能够自由的去追求他自己的梦想。