简介:A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of the climate crisis. Based on the controversial book by Andreas Malm.
简介: 爱丽丝(艾伦·波斯蒂恩 Ellen Burstyn 饰)是一名全职太太,多年在家相夫教子,过着平静幸福的生活,然而,某日,她的丈夫在一场意外中去世了,带着十一岁的儿子汤米(阿尔弗雷德·卢特三世 Alfred Lutter III 饰),这对母子不得不步入冷酷的社会,开始为两人的未来打拼。
年轻的时候,爱丽丝热爱唱歌,如今,她带着汤米来到了一座小城定居,在酒吧卖唱。某日,爱丽丝遇见了名为本(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)的男人,强壮自信的本唤醒了爱丽丝内心压抑已久的感情,就在她以为幸福的生活将要来临之时,却发现自己不过是坠入了另一个噩梦之中,面对接连而来的挫折,爱丽丝还能够坚强的生活下去吗?
简介:在西伯利亚,一枚核弹头被美国黑市军火商康兹(方?基默 Val Kilmer 饰)一伙夺走。美国方面的吉姆上校迅速前往厄瓜多尔,在那里找到了传说中的顶尖特工马克?鲁柏(威尔?福特 Will Forte 饰),委托他解决核弹危机。十年前与康兹有杀妻之仇的马克决定再出江湖,他召来了自己的梦幻团队,不料因粗心大意导致所有队友死亡。为避免任务取消,狂妄的马克只得低声下气跪求自己看不起的新丁特工派波(瑞恩?菲利普 Ryan Phillippe 饰)和自己组队,加上他的好友维琪(克里斯汀?韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰),马克总算拼凑成一个三人小组向康兹发起进攻。行事风格毫无章法可言的马克几乎搞砸了整个任务,令他很快被吉姆上校踢出局,但这并不能阻止马克拯救核弹头瞄准下华盛顿人民的雄心壮志……
简介:A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of the climate crisis. Based on the controversial book by Andreas Malm.
简介:Twenty years ago at the infamous Redwood Farm, the owner went mad and killed his family and himself. Shrouded in urban legend ever since, a stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders convinces a group of bereaved family members to venture into the wilderness in the hope of proving the existence of the notorious burlap bag-masked maniac. Their quest for truth sees a sin...
简介:Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings meijubar.net with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as to why they are this way and their search leads them to Ottmannsgaard, a boarding school with plenty of deep dark secrets of its own.
简介:在昏迷了长达20年后,贾斯汀(杰米·肯尼迪 Jamie Kennedy 饰)苏醒了,看着眼前这个面目全非的世界,在狂喜之中,贾斯汀亦感到深深的迷惘。曾经的贾斯汀是学校中叱咤风云的舞蹈天才,人送外号“火箭鞋”,他组织了一个霹雳舞团队,是当时的风云人物。如今,心中对舞蹈的热情依旧不灭,可霹雳舞早已过时,他的双腿也早已无法再舞动。
得知贾斯汀醒来的消息,昔日的好友达奈尔(小米盖尔-A·努耐兹 Miguel A. Nú?ez Jr. 饰),阿基(鲍比·李 Bobby Lee 饰)和郝克托(Aris Alvarado 饰)纷纷前来探望,贾斯汀有些伤感的发现,他们也已经不复往日光彩了。曾经暗恋的女孩詹妮弗(玛丽娅·曼努诺斯 Maria Menounos 饰)即将订婚的消息无疑又给了贾斯汀沉重的一击,因为准新郎不是别人,正是贾斯汀学生时代的卑鄙对手凯普(迈克尔·罗...
简介:A seemingly trivial case of a small carpentry business that has gone bankrupt under mysterious circumstances gets Mads' attention. Claudia is released after one and a half years in prison but her son is in Paris and the only work she can find is at a coffee shop. But then she gets a visit from Energreen's old chairman, Mr. Christensen. Nicky and Bimse still has the auto repair ...